Amanda Douglas

Amanda Douglas - Kinesiologist

I have been surrounded by Kinesiology since Claire Muller was first trained by her father Brian Butler, often being used for her case studies for various ailments that were quickly resolved. I decided to train as a practitioner myself in 2005 mainly so Claire and I could do treatments swaps without her having to tell me what to do. Since completing the Practitioners course I have been successfully treating family and friends and have been constantly amazed by the results.

After over 30 years of working at the BBC I decided on a complete career change and am now working as a Kinesiologist at the Oasis of Health helping others improve their health and wellbeing.

Treatment length 90 minutes



Qualifications: DIP T.A.S.K.
Year Qualified - Practitioner: 2007.

Fees: £125.00 for initial consultation - £125.00 for subsequent visits.


"Having been diagnosed with Chron’s Disease in 1998 I have since then tried all manner of conventional medication to keep my symptoms under control.  As the severity of my condition tends to fluctuate it has been difficult to assess any success at improving the symptoms, however nothing ha...." Read all

Karen Carman (Client).

"The summer of 2015 I found myself experiencing a very intense emotional breakdown which paralysed my ability to cope with life. I was fortunate to discover that Amanda, whom I knew from our BBC days together, is now a full time practitioner at the Oasis of Health. The very first treatment had an imm...." Read all

Dave Skerry (Client).

"I was lucky enough to be introduced to Claire by another one of her clients. I had suffered from back pain for 8 years and had tried every treatments/pain relief possible. I thought I would have to take pain killers all my life and was told I had all sort of structural problems or I would just have ...." Read all

Jill De Croos (Client).

"Kinesiology truly changed my family's life. It is something I have never heard about before until I've met a person that has introduced me to it. I have realised it is not only a science about anatomy, phisiology, supplements and Chinese meridians, but how to treat yourself in a healthy and ...." Read all

Justyna (Client).

"It sounds like a cliché but Kinesiology really has changed my life. I went to see Claire after suffering from a rash on my face. 4 sessions later and I was not only rash free but so much stronger emotionally and physically, more positive and ready to enjoy life and all its beauty again! Clair...." Read all

S.R. - Client Testimonial.

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